Apologies and What’s Been Going On

I know, I know, I have sorely neglected this place. For that my reader, I deeply apologise. This is me trying to do better. So let me explain what’s been going on with me and what I have lined up.

What’s Been Happening

So, about me…

Continue reading “Apologies and What’s Been Going On”

Of Horror Old and New

For 30 days you came, for 30 days we went over 30 movies from across the years.

Some good, others excellent, others not so much.

Those that have followed this series would have noticed something different about this year….

As I mentioned at the beginning, we would tackle horror from across the eras. ( The creatures had to be fed)

Thank you for coming on this journey and next year we will return to the regularly scheduled viewing and scare the pants off you.

Until next time


Day 30 – SAW X – #D30DH

Hello reader, I want to play a game…

I am not even telling you about this one. Go watch it, go.

I know my rules but go watch it.

It’s good, I enjoyed myself, so so much.

My verdict

People who know me know I love the SAW movies. From the intricacies of that story to the traps. And how the actual chain of events only makes sense once you have watched all seven of them and have been paying attention.

It’s just in the last two offerings they forgot those apects entirely. This was a return to form that I appreciate very much, and the fact that they open up the opportunity to do a follow up is very pleasing to me.


Day 29 – The Night House – #D30DH

Mourning the death of her husband Owen, Beth spends her time drinking and going through his things. Even though she tries to seem like she’s coping, her friend and neighbour are worried about her. She obsesses over the suicide note he left – “You were right. There is nothing. Nothing is after you. You’re safe now.”

Continue reading “Day 29 – The Night House – #D30DH”

Day 28 – Carrie – #D30DH

From the twisted mind that is Mr. King…

Carrie lives with her extremely religious unstable mother Margaret is constantly teased by the other kids. When she has her first period, she is in a panic as she has never been told about menstruation. Her classmates mock her throwing tampons and sanitary pads at her, until a teacher Ms. Collins stops them.

Continue reading “Day 28 – Carrie – #D30DH”

Day 26 – Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street – #D30DH

It’s a musical, a bloody musical at that…

1846, Benjamin Barker, a barber, lands in London. Years earlier he had been falsely convicted by a corrupt judge and existed to Australia. The judge, Turpin wanted his wife Lucy. Barker takes on the alias “Sweeney Todd” and goes back to his old Fleet Street shop house above Nellie Lovett’s meat pie shop.

Continue reading “Day 26 – Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street – #D30DH”

Day 25 – Raven’s Hollow – D30DH

They could have left. They could have left when they were warned, they really could have…

Five cadets, including Edgar Allan Poe, take part in a training exercise in a remote location. They encounter a dying man tied up like a scarecrow who whispers the word “Raven” …

Continue reading “Day 25 – Raven’s Hollow – D30DH”

Day 24 – The Amityville Horror (1979) – #D30DH

November 13, 1974, Ronald DeFeo Jr. murders his entire family at their home of 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York.

A year later, George and Kathy move into the house with her children. Even though George isn’t religious, Kathy asks a priest Father Delaney to bless the house. Delaney arrives at the house whilst the family is out, and is attacked by flies and hears a voice demanding that he leave – making him run away. Kathy’s aunt Helena, a nun, visits the family but becomes il and leaves immediately…

Continue reading “Day 24 – The Amityville Horror (1979) – #D30DH”

Day 23 – Mara – #D30DH

Back into the dreamscapes, where we have acknowledged you are not safe…

Sophie Wynsfield is awakened by her mother Helena in panic. This is after she allegedly killed her husband. Kate, a criminal psychologist is called to deduce whether to commit Helena or not. Interviewing Sophie and Helena, they both insist he was killed by Mara – a sleep demon. Kate decides to go ahead and have Helena committed.

Continue reading “Day 23 – Mara – #D30DH”