Apologies and What’s Been Going On

I know, I know, I have sorely neglected this place. For that my reader, I deeply apologise. This is me trying to do better. So let me explain what’s been going on with me and what I have lined up.

What’s Been Happening

So, about me…

Continue reading “Apologies and What’s Been Going On”

Is Writing Properly Really That Hard?

Why is it that with all the help literally at your fingertips, it seems so difficult to write properly. Some of the things that are acceptable on the internet should never have been birthed into existence.

Let’s get to brass tax shall we:

  • Issa
  • Doing the most
  • I can’t even
  • If you know you know

The first of these falsehoods. I refuse to give a subheading. Writing it up there hurt, bad . I get what you are possibly trying to say, my query is why can’t you write it properly? Have you really gotten that lazy?

What on think of you

To re-educate you:

It is a or It’s a. Never what you so carelessly constantly use.

Do you really need me to bring back Forays Into Grammar? I will do that.

Doing the most

For all intense and purposes, this is an incomplete sentence. I donot care what so called meaning is supposed to be derived from it, it is still an incomplete sentence.

Doing the most what?

I can’t even

Yet another incomplete sentence. You can’t even what?

If you know you know

This one is becoming more widespread than I would like. I don’t know who started it, but I don know I donot ever want to meet them. I

No, I donot know. If your goal is to be so secretive about said subject matter, why not keep it to yourself?

Whatever it is you are trying to convey with these is lost on me, and I refuse to poison my writing with it.

Your devices that you cling to make an active effort to help you but you override them, and to what end?

If you do any of these I can’t ever take you seriously.

That is all.

The Mad Blogger

PS. The only time the middle two are acceptable is when followed by an ellipsis, which is never the case.


Bound by perception, A violent misconception.

Looking back at my reflection, I’ve created an infection.

These are my words, now look how I use them.

How mould them and fuse them, Into something that’ll make you lose it.

Violently, apparently, you don’t understand my parodies.

It’s a kind of reality, that I show absent mindedly.

It’s obvious you cannot understand, it’s this clarity,
That I blatantly spew, ever so vagrantly.
And you supposedly think you can oppose me?

Now that’s a greater fallacy than aliens in our galaxy.

And as I weave words factually, I’ll make you forego all your atrocities…


The Fall : Guest Post

I have been drifting away from love
Levitating , enjoying my solitude
Enduring the lack of gravity
Floating in space ..
Then she came along
Like a supernova
She exploded with burning love
And her meteorite debris
Bombarded my heart, mind and soul…
All that I was ended
And I began the almighty fall
I began to feel everything
I was shrewd ..
A wise man in my ways
Cautious and defensive
Now I am open and defenseless
Gravity has befriended me
The cordless kite has been struck
Down it goes into the dreaded abyss
Known to men as love
Used to be Free…
Used be the one for all…
Now Im the one
Who cant escape
This abyss’ Free-fall.


This piece done by a writer with a mind akin to mine; Charles Fox.

He so graciously accepted my invitation to guest post



Back I return, to these dark hallways on hallowed grounds.

A place where silence reigns and there is never a sound.

I turn a corner, not sure of what I’ll see,

As slowly the voices start to surround me.

I should not have returned, this should not have to been done.

But as the last, it is my duty ‘for this world comes undone.

I doubt myself, can I perform this rite?

For this task, I shall have to trust in my minds sight.

Beyond time and space, beyond present and past,

What I do now, I must make sure that it last.

And so it begins, or it ends in my case,

In hope that I have lived well and it wasn’t all in waste….
