Fine Tooth Comb Chronicles #1: Asking A Girl Out

I believe now I’m allowed to poke some holes in certain things we’re told to believe when we’re younger, or in general.

I’ll be running a fine tooth comb through some these…

This one is particularly about

If you ask a girl out and she says no, you should keep asking her and eventually she will say yes

I’m sure every guy has heard this or something along these lines at one point in time.

Let’s look at what happens here:

We have our two subjects, Victor and Sarah. Victor asks Sarah out, she says no. Victor tries again, and again no. This goes on for… (I don’t how many times is too much, no-one ever really explained that part)

Finally Sarah says yes.

But does and will this always work?…

Let’s bring in my comb. Sarah as any human being will get tired of being asked the same thing again and again, and eventually she might say yes just to stop the question. Victor has succeeded in tearing Sarah down. So they’re now going out because she’s tired not because she wants to go out with him.

There may be some girls who like this persistent attitude, buuuut I’m doubtful. If you are there kindly reply to this and explain to me why. I do think there is a point it will become annoying.

I’ve always wondered if this ever works because I’ve heard it a lot and not tried it once. The anarchist in me, “What makes your method better than mine

In my opinion getting a girl this way will not end well. You brought her into something she didn’t want initially. You pestered her into a relationship. Nothing good ever comes out of pestering.

Everything about it seems wrong to me. I have NEVER asked the same girl out more than once. Because I’m not the type of person to see a pretty girl and automatically think I want to go out with her. I think I have said this before, I’m an observer, so before I decide where in my life you go, I will observe you for a bit. And this goes for everyone.

I talk to said pretty girl first with no expectations. Those conversations are what will tell me if she’s potential bae or just a friend. (this process does not happen in a day)

To the ladies: Do you find this appealing? Would you fall for this strategy?

To the gentlemen: Have you ever done this? Has it worked?


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